Estonian Academy of Experimental Sciences

Eesti Eksperimentaalteaduste Akadeemia

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Who we are and what are we doing?

The Estonian Academy of Experimental Sciences gathers hobby scientists and inventors, who wants to make the world a better place. So, if you also want to make the world a better place, then please come and join our team. Academic education is not required.

Science Publications

We publish various publications about our research results

Science contribution

We do serious science in a fun and experimental way

Our Agenda

Check out our main science activities

Inventive activity

Design and development of innovative utility models

Environmental study

Environmental research and scientific analysis

Experimental science

Cultivation and promotion of experimental science


Conducting future research and theoretical physics

Publications and Projects

Our latest experiments

  • AI Diary In progress

    Started at: 01.09.2023
    The project uses the OpenAI artificial intelligence system, presenting the artificial intelligence with daily topics, about which the artificial intelligence writes an entry in its diary. Our goal is to observe and monitor what the relevant AI responses are at the present day.
    Project in web: AI Diary

  • Started at: 01.09.2023
    This project has been launched with the aim of investigating the UFO phenomenon at a scientific level, in order to find a scientific and natural explanation for all UFO phenomena that have ever occurred on Earth, and as a result of this project - to confirm or decline our reasearch hypotesis, that no real aliens have actually ever physically visited Earth. However, this does not mean that we do not believe aliens existence in outer space.
    Project in web: EUFORA

  • Planned at: 01.01.2024
    Info coming soon...

Contact Us

Join our science team


Lubja 48a, Pärnu, Estonia


+372 56 302 302

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